Hollywood It List Crush: The People Can’t Get Enough Of…

Shana Lindaman came through this week to talk about her Hollywood It List crush, Mister Fantastic himself, Pedro Pascal. With that, it’s hard to ignore the fact that he is legit one of the most beloved famous faces out there making entertainment, so while you’re going to see him below - as well as someone... Continue Reading →

Shana Lindaman’s Hollywood It List Crush

Shana Lindaman made her Crushgasm debut talking about all things horror, and now is back to talk about the love of her life - and so many others right now - Pedro Pascal. He’s the ultimate Hollywood It Crush, a fact that’s as undeniable as the man himself. So from ‘Game of Thrones’ to his... Continue Reading →

Joshua Boswell’s CW Crush

Joshua Boswell is one of the newest members of the I Did Not Make These Rankings Podcast Network, as well as the co-host of Toontastic Journeys and one of the four awesome gentlemen of Season 2 Season. Along with all of that he’s an avid TV watcher with a crush on someone from one of... Continue Reading →

The Weirdo of a CW Crush

The CW is known for two things. One is delivering pretty revered superhero content for DC, most of which was always better than the movies in recent years. The second is over-the-top teen television. With Joshua Boswell of Toontastic Journeys and Season 2 Season coming through with a crush from The CW that falls into... Continue Reading →

Musician Crush: Favorites On Stage 

The most interesting thing I learned in college was that if you go to tapings of Jimmy Kimmel’s show, you can not only try and meet your favorite celebrities, but you can often see them perform live in the parking lot behind his studio. So yeah, it’s safe to say I didn’t quite care or... Continue Reading →

Kathy Barron’s Musician Crush

Kathy Barron spends a lot of her day living and breathing podcasting between being the founder and editor-in-chief of Women Who Podcast Magazine and the host of Women Who Sarcast, but she took kind of a break to think about her musician crush that came about after ‘90s icon, Tori Amos,’ straddled a piano bench.... Continue Reading →

Concerts Create a Musician Crush

“What are you doing?” “Nothing.” “Wanna go to a show tonight?” That’s basically a love language for those who treat venues like places of worship; congregating in a space with like-minded people, singing songs, and sometimes the artists speak as if they’re delivering a sermon about the meanings behind the words everyone gathered to hear.... Continue Reading →

Elementary School Crush: All the Types

From learning the proper way to use scissors to social interaction, everything is so new when you’re a kid. That includes crushes. As mentioned here before, an elementary school crush will help set the foundation for your crush journeys that lay ahead. Whitney Knox Lee shared about how a boy named Kenny helped her be... Continue Reading →

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